Adress East

Supply and install all Mechanical Works for 18 block.
Customer: CRC-Dorra
Main Contractor: CRC-Dorra

Mivida compound

Supply and install all Mechanical Works.
Customer: Eamaarl
Main Contractor: CRC-Dorra

El-Maadi View compound

Supply and install pooster pump , submersable pumps , fire fighting pump and all insulation works for pump and tank rooms.
Customer: Maadi Urban Development
Main Contractor: Maadi Urban Development

Brooj compound

Supply and install all Mechanical Works with El-Hazek company.
Customer: Brooj Compound
Main Contractor: El-Hazek Company

Sodic - New cairo - Soreal villette

Supply and install all Mechanical Works with El-Hazek company.
Customer: Sodic
Main Contractor: El-Hazek Company

Safeco Group

Pioneers in the MEP World for your projects, building the foundation of comfort and efficiency.


  3rd Floor, Gate 3, Tower 2
Al Seraj Mall Towers 8th District
Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt 11762
+20 1061 906 688

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