Semi-rigid Fire Hose Reel

Supply and install all Electrical & Mechanical Works For 3 Gate.
Customer: The new administrative capital
Main Contractor: El-Deep for general contracting

The new administrative capital - R5

Supply and install all Firefighting works.
Customer: TMG
Main Contractor: Arabn company for Projects

The new administrative capital - R5

Supply and install all Plumbing & Electrical works.
Customer: SAMCRET
Main Contractor: SAMCRET

Swan lake

Supply and install all Plumbing & Electrical works.
Customer: Hassan Allam Properties
Main Contractor: Hassan Allam Technology


Supply and install all mechanical works and pump room & pluming.
Customer: TMG
Main Contractor: ATRIUM

Safeco Group

Pioneers in the MEP World for your projects, building the foundation of comfort and efficiency.


  3rd Floor, Gate 3, Tower 2
Al Seraj Mall Towers 8th District
Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt 11762
+20 1061 906 688

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